Welcome To Brian &
Troy's Pink Floyd Page

Import notice to Pink Floyd fans. Great news Pink Floyd will be releasing a best of album. It will have 140 minutes of music on a two disk set. Pink Floyd including Roger has been working on it. All the songs on it will follow from to the other. It will be called "Echoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd". See picture to the right.

Welcome to the new "PFloyd.HTMLPlanet.com". We have update this page and still are updating for all you Pink Floyd fans. We have a link page of pink floyd sites made by other people like you who come here. For your pink floyd site to be put on the list sign the guest book or E-Mail us. Well we will have lyrics up for you fans, so but don't know when. That's all for now stop by again to see more updates.
Pink Floyd: Echoes - The Best of Pink Floyd (click to see bigger image)
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Pink Floyd Album Art (click to see bigger image)
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